Sunday, 31 May 2009

Ponderings, Winnie the Pooh and Kwik Fit

My car has been being driven about on the spare tyre for a week now and I decided, for safety's sake, I should get a new one. I went to Kwik Fit who charged me £57 for the privilege only for me to compare it to a previous receipt where I had the same kind of budget tyre fitted for £40 exactly by the Kwik Fit in Southampton. So, having been charged an extra £17, I wanted to find out just what this little surcharge was for; I asked the Southampton garage for a quote and their prices (unlike Winchester's) were still the same as last year. So not only had I been diddled, I'd had it done for practically no reason whatsoever. Needless to say, all I had to do was mention the conversation with the other garage and they hastily refunded the difference, stating: 'We're not sure what happened there.' I replied that I would be sending a very long email, detailing this incident, to their customer complaints. It isnt the first time I've felt like I walk around with the word 'Mug' written on my forhead, I hope it might be the last.
What to do today? I've officially reached rock-bottom boredom levels and my self-esteem is slowly going down the swanny (not helped by my mum's comment on my expanding gut: telling me I looked a bit like Winnie the Pooh when I took my shirt off to play tennis.)
I've also started getting a taste of what its like not being as free to do what I want, when I want like when I was a student. Its the reality of life that is starting to depres me a little, I know it'll change when I start working, a topic of which there is some glimmer of light on.
Frustrated and realising I couldnt keep waiting for the dream job, I went to my local (and very friendly) pub which I handed my C.V into over Easter and heard nothing from. It was shut, I swore quietly to myself when another car rolled into the empty carpark and the manager got out to unlock the doors. We had a chat and she admitted she hadnt looked at a single application form, but she was recruiting for the summer. I now have an interview on Monday morning where I hope my experience will land me the job and I can finally get some pennies rolling in!
For those wondering, I'm not actually monetarily driven: it goes against my personality to be so, I do however have an overdraft to pay off and I want to be financially independent. Money doesnt make you happy, granted. But, money can buy you stuff, and holidays, and they can make you happy.
The hunt for a suit for the ball goes on, I fished out my old tux the other day and realised I looked like a fat waiter, all I needed was a porno-tache and I could exile myself from the world and call myself Mr Giovanni. Only 11 days to go before the big do and big farewell, a phrase concerning crossing bridges comes to mind...

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