Saturday, 30 May 2009

Lakes, Unemployment, Beer.

Well, what a frustrating few days; I was let down by the job agency, who told me the NHS were still in talks to decide on new recruits. I was, naively, quite hopeful for the job to come through and I think my feeling of general unimportance is becoming ever greater due to my lack of ability to get my foot in the door.
This bad news led me to join my folks on a trip to the Lake District where I got the chance to relax, enjoy the scenery and some quite remarkable food and beer. It helped to give me some perspective about the world, and my part in it.
Anyway, enough mooning; I have decided out of some kind of inner stubborness to go back to basics and attack the job market the old fashioned way. I'll print off an armful of C.V's, find places that are advertising vacancies and charm my way in...might need a shave tho, my designer stubble is less Matt DiAngelo and more Rolf Harris at present.
Got the possibility of meeting up with cousin Adam later, watching the footie then the rugby, possiblity ofa bbq later. Tough life.
Had a dream I got 0% on my dissertation last night, need to stop eating cheese before bed. Or get therapy.

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