Sunday, 31 May 2009

Ponderings, Winnie the Pooh and Kwik Fit

My car has been being driven about on the spare tyre for a week now and I decided, for safety's sake, I should get a new one. I went to Kwik Fit who charged me £57 for the privilege only for me to compare it to a previous receipt where I had the same kind of budget tyre fitted for £40 exactly by the Kwik Fit in Southampton. So, having been charged an extra £17, I wanted to find out just what this little surcharge was for; I asked the Southampton garage for a quote and their prices (unlike Winchester's) were still the same as last year. So not only had I been diddled, I'd had it done for practically no reason whatsoever. Needless to say, all I had to do was mention the conversation with the other garage and they hastily refunded the difference, stating: 'We're not sure what happened there.' I replied that I would be sending a very long email, detailing this incident, to their customer complaints. It isnt the first time I've felt like I walk around with the word 'Mug' written on my forhead, I hope it might be the last.
What to do today? I've officially reached rock-bottom boredom levels and my self-esteem is slowly going down the swanny (not helped by my mum's comment on my expanding gut: telling me I looked a bit like Winnie the Pooh when I took my shirt off to play tennis.)
I've also started getting a taste of what its like not being as free to do what I want, when I want like when I was a student. Its the reality of life that is starting to depres me a little, I know it'll change when I start working, a topic of which there is some glimmer of light on.
Frustrated and realising I couldnt keep waiting for the dream job, I went to my local (and very friendly) pub which I handed my C.V into over Easter and heard nothing from. It was shut, I swore quietly to myself when another car rolled into the empty carpark and the manager got out to unlock the doors. We had a chat and she admitted she hadnt looked at a single application form, but she was recruiting for the summer. I now have an interview on Monday morning where I hope my experience will land me the job and I can finally get some pennies rolling in!
For those wondering, I'm not actually monetarily driven: it goes against my personality to be so, I do however have an overdraft to pay off and I want to be financially independent. Money doesnt make you happy, granted. But, money can buy you stuff, and holidays, and they can make you happy.
The hunt for a suit for the ball goes on, I fished out my old tux the other day and realised I looked like a fat waiter, all I needed was a porno-tache and I could exile myself from the world and call myself Mr Giovanni. Only 11 days to go before the big do and big farewell, a phrase concerning crossing bridges comes to mind...

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Lakes, Unemployment, Beer.

Well, what a frustrating few days; I was let down by the job agency, who told me the NHS were still in talks to decide on new recruits. I was, naively, quite hopeful for the job to come through and I think my feeling of general unimportance is becoming ever greater due to my lack of ability to get my foot in the door.
This bad news led me to join my folks on a trip to the Lake District where I got the chance to relax, enjoy the scenery and some quite remarkable food and beer. It helped to give me some perspective about the world, and my part in it.
Anyway, enough mooning; I have decided out of some kind of inner stubborness to go back to basics and attack the job market the old fashioned way. I'll print off an armful of C.V's, find places that are advertising vacancies and charm my way in...might need a shave tho, my designer stubble is less Matt DiAngelo and more Rolf Harris at present.
Got the possibility of meeting up with cousin Adam later, watching the footie then the rugby, possiblity ofa bbq later. Tough life.
Had a dream I got 0% on my dissertation last night, need to stop eating cheese before bed. Or get therapy.

Monday, 25 May 2009

Twatty Flatty

Saturday was brilliant: The sun was out, I helped to hack Si's garden to bits in aid of his move and I got the job.
So, when sailing back along the road in my new-found euphoria, something bad had to happen, didnt it?
My car takes me on the 230mile trip to Chester and back, despite this, there have seldom been problems. My car, however, is designed to go down the shops. Daewoo didnt create the Matiz to be ragged up the M6 at 80mph, but needs must.
Whilst coming back from Winchester on Saturday afternoon, somebody behind me in a white van started flashing his lights at me. Abuse on public roads is something you become accustomed to when you drive a car like a go-kart, I merely carried on driving. He carried on flashing his lights and pulled into the middle lane and started gesticulating frantically; this was new, normally a quick flick of the 'V' as they overtake is enough. I realised, with a strange mixture of horror and bemusement, that he was telling me I had a flat tyre. I opened my window and sure enough, I heard the flapping noise and smelt cremated rubber, shit. Thankfully, just off the M3 is a golf club that I knew I could pull into and after much waiting around the AA man came, giving me a withering look at such an easy job as changing a tyre. Now, before I lose any man-points, I can and have changed tyres, this one had been fitted by Kwik Fit and therefore were pretty much welded on. Some witty chap in a Z3 suggested I take the parts from my car and fit them on a golf-buggy, telling me it might go faster. I suggested, jovially, that he sit on his 9 iron.
Hungover today, again. I think I'm getting old.

Friday, 22 May 2009

'Home is a place where I yearn to belong'

Hi all, just keeping you up to date with the lack of goings on in my current situation. I decided yesterday, after being a bum and waiting for the phone to ring with employment news, that if the world didnt want me then it didnt have a choice; I armed myself with C.Vs and an ironed shirt and hit town.
Suffice to say, town hit back, hard. The recession is less felt in Winchester than elsewhere but there is little left in regards casual work. The closest I think I got was with an agency that were referring people on to Hampshire Ambulances as call workers. Sounds interesting, also pays up to £9 per hour which is pretty fantastic. So far though I have had no phonecall, maybe I'll have to settle for Sainsbury's.
Went to rugby training on Wednesday and realised just how out of practice I am; still, I managed to chase down some of the established players and nearly scored an eighty-yard wonder try myself. I was caught 5 yards short of the line by the 1st team winger having burnt everyone else, give me a few more sessions and I'll score those. I hope! Got told by the 2nd team skipper that he'd have me in his team come September, nothing like speed to get you noticed, just wait until they realise I cant tackle!
Went for a few jars with Si last night too, ended up in Blondes on student night, where I had my first (and presumably not my last) surreal experience of feeling old and non-studenty. The average age was 18/19 and we both felt a bit out of place, some hopelessly drunk 18 year old threw a shotglass at his friend and hit me. It was plastic so no bother, but his grovelling apology was the most annoying thing ever. There is a definite culture change in an affluent, middle-class town like Winchester to a place like Chester. Arguably you could say that they are very similar but appearances aside, they are not. Example: bump into someone in most pubs in Liverpool and they will most likely say 'sorry mate', regardless of whose at fault. Bump into someone in Winchester and it turns into a mute staring contest, no apologies or friendly 'thats alright, dont worry'. It is almost as if the more priviliged forget their manners, truly sad in my opinion.
So, rant over, am enjoying all the other areas of being back. Have decided to stay away from potential womenfolk, partially because I dont see where they might fit into my life right now and mostly because I cant be arsed. I have the rest of my life to do that, fingers crossed!
Anyway, must be off. It's far too nice a day to be sat on a computer...the golf course awaits!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Bare Room

I have nearly a hundred books strewn across my floor and the posters have all been taken down. Amazing how a few familiar things on the walls can change the whole feel of a place, without anything there the walls appear so much higher...
Still, I got all my crap out of my desk in under an hour. Nearly killed me but I stripped it out and got the majority of my possessions in order, taking up two rubbish bags for all the old seminar papers and notes that lay scattered in my drawers.
Why am I detailing this extremely boring information? I think I'm having trouble putting into articulate thoughts what I'm feeling about leaving tommorrow: somehow describing my bare room (which, incidentally isnt really mine at all for much longer) is cathartic, yet sad.
I'll be glad to start living in the real world for a bit, you may take a sweepstake on how long this lasts and I'm on here posting "get me back to uni, NOW!" Change is an odd one; I'm adaptable, but I know myself too well to know I wont be able to cope effortlessly with the transition.
Fact is, without these doubts, I know I wouldnt be pushing myself further in regards my comfort zone. I know lots of people who are quite content to be safe; to stick to what they know, do the same things week in week out and never deviate from said pattern.
Before I lapse into a judgemental rant, I want to make it clear that the only thing I dislike about the majority of said people is that not only do they lead this style of existence, they criticise you for not doing the same as them. Its always: 'why you going to chink-country? You looking for a mail-order bride? hyuk hyuk hyuk' and so on and so forth.
I dont mind a bit of banter, its what makes the world go round. I just suppose that I'll be happy to meet other people who perhaps arent quite as closed minded as some people I've met, and quite so apparantly proud of it too. Not so I can have carte blanche to be a pretentious tosser (though sometimes its nice), but so I dont have to feel it all has to be dumbed down and hide whatever limited light I have under a bushel. So to speak.
Anyway, I'm shattered. Tommorrow is another day...

Saturday, 16 May 2009

The End Begins...

Well here I am, in bed and feeling rough from too much to drink last night. This has become a familiar pattern as of late; I do, however, deserve it I think. For the past month and a half I've lived (more or less) like a monk to get my final coursework and dissertation in on time, I think a few cold ones are the perfect reward for all that!
Anyway, this is the first of many blogs I intend to write this year; I'm rubbish at keeping diaries and it always annoys me as a writer that I cant seem to keep up with keeping an account of what I do, maybe my life is too boring, or not boring enough...
My room in Chester is about to be vacated for the last time, having lived here since 2007. I wonder how it might seem to a newcomer, it has gone from a place I used to despise to a place I feel more at home in than my own bed back in Winch. If these walls could speak they may scream!
Feelings of sadness are nullified by the excitement of what lies around the corner; I've loved being a student here and I shall always treasure the memories (good and bad) of my three years as an undergraduate. Will I get a 2.1? If my dissertation is good then there's every chance, if I get a 2.2 I have to settle for it. Lots of people don't have degrees and my plans to go to Korea are dependent on having a degree full stop, classifications wont matter for now.
First off though, I need a job, maybe two. I have been poorer than a church mouse far too often as a student and cannot wait for the feeling of a steady income; no worrying about not being able to get a round in and being able to start paying my own way in the world.
On travel: I have applied (successfully) to EPIK but I just felt that going to Korea in August would be silly, South Korea (despite the North's best efforts) will be there after Christmas and I will be better placed financially and mentally to go.
Thats all for now, I'll keep you all in the loop!