Wednesday, 2 September 2009

A peek into the frontal lobes...

Delving into my brain, never exactly safe...
I often wonder about attractiveness in people; there are many varying and clashing philosophies about the reasons behind infatuation and I for one think it is a different scenario for everyone.
Take a person who spends their whole time being obsessed by their own image: they are so worried about what people think of their appearance that they don’t pull their guard down for long enough to let anyone begin to know them. That isn’t attractive. Why?
Psychologically, we put up certain ‘fronts’ to attract people, its natural. People who bare all (emotionally) on the first encounter might be refreshing, but do you really want to know everything about someone that early, or at all?
Mystique is strange; if you like puzzles and games then you are drawn to people that baffle you. Mainly because their notions and ideas might clash with your own. Or, they appear to be very similar, but there’s something just beneath the surface that hints at something more.
So, if a person’s attractiveness is reliant on a blend of mystery and revealing...why do we find ourselves attracted to people who aren’t ‘right’ for us?
Firstly, what is right and wrong for any one person is seldom a ticking of boxes (for me anyway), it has to be an understanding that this person could be my friend, without me forgetting that I fancy them too. Someone who understands, but tells me to shut up all the same, laughs at and with me, and doesn’t stop their world for me, but makes allowances just in case.
It comes down to what makes you comfortable; being put on a pedestal is scary and being treated like an idiot is demeaning. Respect is key. We’ve all been hurt, we’ve all hurt others.
As Oscar Wilde said: ‘Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.’

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