This is an interesting one, and something I find hard to admit: I've never been ditched.
I've managed to avoid that moment of utter arse-ness that occurs when someone says they dont want to see you again, until now.
I've dumped people left right and centre, I'm a serial dumper. What a complete bastard I am, but I do warn them in advance. Turn the tables on me though, and I'm carving people's names in my forhead with a compass. Failing to notice the whole time that it makes me less endearing than I think.
The funny thing is; being dumped is a bit like being knocked out (something I've also experienced, thankfully not in the same outing). You watch boxers get clocked right in the kisser and they stand with fists still raised for a second before keeling over. You feel the initial 'hit' and then deny to yourself that its really happening, as you slide onto the metaphorical canvas that turns out to be your half finished pint.
Bottom line: if you like someone, and you really dont want to let go of them, a sharp gut-punch of rejection is a decent smelling-salt for realising how much of a mug you were being to start with.
And, as for you, your loss.
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Monday, 5 October 2009

Partially to air the cobwebs on my laptop and also to kick the arse of a fellow blogger on the same topic, I am going to discuss a few small issues regarding the topic of the zodiac.
There are four distinct elements in the zodiac apparantly: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
Air signs are normally noted for being great thinkers and philosophers, artists and poets, inventors and revolutionaries. They are also supposed to get on famously with each other, being on the same wavelength with their wacky ideas and views on the world.
I'm born under the sign of Aquarius, the water carrier which is, confusingly, an air sign.
Fellow air signs are Libra and Gemini, our continually crazy outlook means that we are better matched with sign of type than maybe a sign of another type (I tried going out with a Leo once, it became a bit fierce.)
So, without getting too bogged down in the details of it all, does your zodiac sign have any real influence on your compatability with someone else?
'Aquarians tend to be less likely to be involved in long term relationships due to their powerful sense of independence, they also have an unorthadox (and sometimes downright weird) approach to how a relationship is supposed to function.'
You got me, I was under the illusion for all these years that a relationship should be fun. How unorthadox of me.
The problem is, that to a certain extent some of this is a self fulfilling prophecy: I am independent, but then who thinks they arent? And if I'm unorthadox in my thinking about relationships, why would that be less likely for me to be in one? It should read:
'Aquarians tend to suffer from being impossible to please: they are attracted by intellect but turned off my smugness, love a laugh but like to be serious, hate being contradicted, hate being told to follow the rules and love to rebel against almost every social rule in the book.'
THAT sounds more like it!
Famous Aquarian dudes include James Dean, Axl Rose, Bob Marley, Alice Cooper, Thomas Edison and (my favourite) Charles Darwin.
I'm supposed to be a life-match with a Libra woman. They're supposed to be better equipped to deal with my many shortcomings and keep me 'mentally stimulated'.
The problem is: somebody's sign doesnt always mean that its a match made in heaven, I've met many Libra women who I cant fucking stand, it almost seems irrelevent to know their birth date because the fact remains...they're a nob!
I met one Libra who I got on with like a house on fire, but timing was a huge issue, as was my inability to stop partying. We're still friends, which makes me happy. I'm sure that says something about us as people, even if it isnt entirely dependent on our birthdays.
Bottom line is: if we are in the right stage of our lives to settle into a long term, get-a-mortgage, have-a-kid, family-car, Swanage-in-August relationship, then maybe that is the right time to meet that match, who knows?
So maybe from now on I'll just have to accept that I'm a total pleb when it comes to the relationships, but maybe I'll be wary that for now it might be better to be a single aqua, I do have the rest of my life to find a pair of scales. I've felt chemistry with different signs, its not always as cut and dry as one-for-one. But it does state that the one sign that I am forever not going to be able to handle is another Aquarian.
Makes sense.
To hear a very talented Libran's perspective on this topic, visit
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